2 Full-time PhD positions in Information Visualization and Visual Analytics

Website Graz University of Technology, Austria

Institut of Computer Graphics and Knowledge Visualization

One position is in Adaptive Visualization of Health Information within an FWF (Austria) research group together with researchers in Cognitive Psychology and Medicine. The other position is in Visual Analytics of Time-Oriented Data within an FFG (Austria) research project together with domain experts from industry.

Both positions are initially for three years, and with the possibility of preparing a PhD thesis in Computer Science at TU Graz. We offer exemplary professional and personal development possibilities. Our institute is part of the Visual Computing research cluster at TU Graz, providing a leading scientific environment. The full-time gross salary for this position is, depending on the employment level, up to 3.058,60 Euro per month (14 times a year), and includes social insurance. The city of Graz and its surrounding region offer exceptional quality of living.

For further information and how to apply, please see https://www.tugraz.at/institute/cgv/about-cgv/open-positions#c522012 or contact Prof. Tobias Schreck at tobias.schreck@cgv.tugraz.at.